1. Log in to your account
2. Once you sign in, tap in bottom navigation
3. List of your orders will be displayed
4. For detailed view of order, tap
5. On pop-up, choose
How can we help?
You can easily check status of your order at any time. We will also provide updates when our production team starts editing your images and when it’s completed to be reviewed on your email and in notifications panel on our platform.
1. Log in to your account
2. Once you sign in, stay on the default page
3. Search for your order ID or name
4. Click on ID, Name or View to see detailed order page
5. Check top right corner of the page to see current status of your order
You can easily check status of your order at any time. We will also provide updates on when our production team starts editing your images and when it’s completed to be reviewed on your email.
1. Log in to your account
2. Once you sign in, tap in bottom navigation
3. List of your orders will be displayed
4. For detailed view of order, tap
5. On pop-up, choose